Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I said some pretty profound shit this weekend and I wanted to write it down before I forgot it all.

A) 'The sky is perfect except for a sliver of moonlight'. This was said whilst sitting in a hot tub after a day of solid skiing in VT. I was told it sounded like it should be in a poem. The sky was perfect for the record.

B) 'I can better myself in almost any way with the appropriate amount of dedication with the exception of incurable disease and baldness'. This was just me bitching about people not taking enough personal responsibility. Will I follow through on this claim? Maybe. I'm starting to slowly pick away at my imperfections.

C) 'West Virginia does not have a substantial enough infrastructure to necessitate large state sales tax or to have to rely on tourism to survive'. Who the fuck talks like this? I was in a Honda driving down the road! Who was I trying to impress? There was only 3 of us in the car! This did lead to a pretty good conversation about perception. You can't sound like a dumbass all the time. The quote was born from a conversation about how VT has such low sales tax but still survives as they have limited exports.

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