Tuesday, March 31, 2009

You Know It's Good Because It's Made In Germany

There are a few groups of people that I would love to strangle the life out of. Among them are infomercial guys. Mostly I hate Billy Mays as I haven't seen enough of the Shamwow guy to really hate him.

Apparently the Shamwow guy couldn't get enough ass from his TV gig so he had to pay for it. Last month he was arrested for beating up a hooker after she tried to bite his tongue off. Shamwow guy wanted to make out but the hooker was all about business. Kissing a hooker? Gross! Don't you know where that mouth has been? Dumbass.

The whole story instantly made me think of this:

Didn't he watch Pretty Woman? Everybody knows you're not supposed to kiss hookers.

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