Saturday, March 28, 2009

Perfect Movie Casting

I read the other day that someone was going to make a Three Stooges movie and I thought that would be pretty dumb. They did however put together a really top notch cast for this movie. Check this out:
Moe - Benecio Del Toro
Curly - Jim Carrey
Larry - Sean Penn
More than likely this movie is going to suck even with this kind of star power.

I also read a while ago that they were going to make an A-Team movie and John Singleton was to direct but apparently everything is on hold. I started thinking of my own dream cast for this movie. It goes a little something like this:
Hannibal - Bruce Willis (grizzled, tough and funny at the same time)
BA Barracus - Ving Rhames (only big black guy I could think of besides M Clark Duncan)
Murdock - Jim Carrey (I feel he was born for this role)
Face - Brad Pitt (obvious)
Could you imagine this movie?

Some movies I feel were perfectly cast:
-Sleepy Hollow by Tim Burton (Walken kicked ass in a non-speaking role)
-Batman and Batman Returns (who knew Michael Keaton could pull it off. Then Jack and Devito as the respective bad guys, awesome)
-Indiana Jones (they originally had Tom Selleck slated for this role, glad they wised up)
-SlingBlade (who knew Dwight could act?)
-Fight Club (Helena Bonham Carter needs to be in more flicks)
-Unforgiven (still my favorite Clint movie, I know it's an obvious one, sorry)
-X-Men (the original one. I don't know about the comics but from what I hear all the characters were dead on)
-The Last Samurai (call him a quack all you want, Tom Cruise can act)

Here are a couple of my most poorly cast movies:
-Star Wars Episode 2-3 (damn do I hate Hayden Christiansen)
-Batman and Robin (Clooney was the worst Batman ever and who could stand Robin?)
-The Patriot (I love this movie but cannot stand Heath Ledger in it)
-Bad Boys (I never bought Martin Lawrence being a cop)
-Robin Hood (I've always believed Kevin Costner to be really overrated)

That's all I can think of right now.

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