Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Shoot on Site

I've often envisioned driving around w/ a 50 cal mounted to the roof of my truck to wipe out butthole drivers instantly. This morning I saw a headline that made me want to institute a 'shoot on site' law for people that are just useless.

So you call 911 because McDonalds can't supply enough McNuggets to satisfy your fat ass? sure, McNuggets are delicious but running out of them by no means entitles you to call 911. Fucking waste of skin and resources. This person I'm sure has nothing good at all to contribute to society.

Enter - Terminator Law
Tweek and I came up with this law and swore if either of us was elected to a high enough office we would enact it. Basically it gives us the right (or duty) to drive around with roof mounted cannons and eradicate the world of morons.

From top to bottom these are the people I would target:
-Drug Dealers
-Animal Abusers
-Back yard breeders
-Amish (I'll rant about them later)
-Really fat people
-People that don't use their turn signals
-Fans of American Idol
-Soccer Moms
-People like the fat bitch in the article
-Anyone that has kids while already ON welfare

This is a list of people the world can do without.

Disclaimer: I don't really want anyone to die, it's just a rant

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