Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This Old Lady at the Park

A couple weeks ago we met this old lady at the park near the house and she had 3 dogs of leash and listening to her every command. We chatted with her for a couple minutes and I've seen her up there a couple times and always said hi but it wasn't until today that I actually talked to her for a considerable amount of time. It turns out she's had what I considered to be a pretty cool life. Kids, living in cool places and stuff like that.

Then she told me that she had just moved to the area with her dogs about 2 years ago. I asked 'Oh yeah, where did you move from?'. 'The Bahamas', she said. 'You moved 3 dogs from the Bahamas?' I asked. 'Yep, they're my dogs' she answered matter-of-factly.

Now I'm going to put this into perspective. This self-described decrepit old lady (I guess to be mid 70s) had the patience to move 3 fairly large adult dogs from the freakin Bahamas but all these yuppie fucks on craigslist are getting rid of their dogs because they're too lazy to find a home that accepts pets? Fuck! She's at the park EVERY DAY!

It must be a generational thing. This little old lady can handle 3 dogs, my Mom handled us and dogs and cats and whatever else but nobody now seems to be able to control their shit. Don't believe me? Go on the pets section of craigslist and look how many people are 'rehoming' animals due to work or moving or having kids or just plain fucking laziness. Makes me sick.

1 comment:

  1. I also like the 'Pet got too big' excuse that I see for the dogs that have been turned into the SPCA. Um, dogs grow, just like kids, and it's isn't too acceptable if you give up your child because he grew to be taller than you...
