Monday, February 23, 2009


I get most of my news from the homepage on Comcast on my way to check my email so please bear with me.

I saw the headline 'Woman Fails Driving Test 775 Times' and I thought to myself 'there's no way it could be an Asian, that's just way to funny'. Yeah, well, guess what. Asian Lady.

I'm often guilty of believing stereotypes. I'd be flat out lying if I told you I always wait to know a person before I judge them.

fun pics Pics and Crazy Pictures

Is buying into stereotypes tantamount to racism? I'll be honest, I don't trust people with mullets or cornrows (let alone cornrow mullets if such a beast exists). Name one stand up person that has either one of these hairstyles. MacGuyver? Allen Iverson? Wear a pink popped collar shirt to a bar with sunglasses on your head at night? You're a douche.

You can't help but judge people immediately based on looks. Why do you think people dress up for interviews and court? Stereotypes.

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