We're a fairly small company of about 180 employees working out of 3 branches. Today 11 of those employees were let go at my location alone. Some of these people had been with the company for 10, 15 even 20 years and most were good at what they did.
Now most times I never fear losing my job. I always tell myself 'Hey, even if I do lose my job I'll have another one by tomorrow'. Now I'm not so sure. Lucky for me I was pulled aside with a couple other people and told I was safe and that they need me to help get through this tough patch.
You know why I'm still there? It aint because of my bouncy fuckin personality, that's for sure. It's because I can do way more stuff than my actual job calls for. It's because I force my employers to view me as indespensible. New ideas, innovation and all that crap.
Apparently just doing your job at an acceptable level isn't good enough these days. I'm ok with that. I don't care for people getting blindsided and losing their jobs but I guess that's just the harsh reality. I was lucky to be raised with a strong work ethic where going above and beyond was commonplace.
Sidenote-I was walking down the hall yesterday and asked the HR person when our awards banquet was going to be ('cause I'm all about a free lunch) and she just kind of brushed me off. Now I know she wasn't just being ignorant.
Oddly enough one of the headlines on my Comcast homepage said 'Jobless rate hits 34 year high'. Most times I don't know people that are associated with statistics. Then I saw this which was fairly hilarious:
I guess what I fear is for my hard work to not even matter one day. For the economy to get so bad that they just shitcan me anyway. Man that would piss me off.
And that brings me to my point. Michael Phelps. This asshole just so happens to be decent at swimming and everybody kisses his ass and gives him sponsorship deals and tons of money and do you know what his only job for the next 3 years is? Keep your fucking nose clean and be a marketable athlete. Piece of shit couldn't even get that right. I wonder if being a horsefaced douche is in his new book. Bitch.
There is some good qualty rage here. Well done.