Monday, May 4, 2009

Recipe for an Incredible Day

-Wake Up
-Enjoy Coffeez and Criossantz from Sheetz for breakfazt
-Journey to brew pub and enjoy delicious nut brown ale and heifewiezen (sp?) and spinach/artichoke dip for lunch
-Arrive at parking lot for NASCAR race
-Make drink using 100 proof Captain
-Set up EZ-UP and fire up the grill
-Huddle under EZ-UP during torrential downpour while slugging booze
-Admire crazy hot blonde next to us
-Feast on perfectly grilled brats, corn on the cob and bacon
-Introduce newcomers to Beerski
-Walk to track
-Lose voice screaming for your driver
-Sniff in race fuel and tire smoke fumes
-Watch your driver finish an impressive second
-Laugh like crazy while trying to steal parking cones in a moving truck
-Get 9 hours uninterrupted sleep and wake up without a hangover

1 comment:

  1. 1. Hefeweizen.
    2. Awesome race. Pity Edwards didn't crash spectacularly again.
    3. When are we golfing again? I have no granddads left, so it should be safe...
