Thursday, May 21, 2009

Doesn't Take Much to Impress Me

Yesterday I got a coupon from a coworker for some free Burger King Burgers and it just so happened that I was passing by one on the way back from an appointment so I figured 'what the hell, let's see how fat you can get'. The coupon was for a free Steakhouse XT and apparently there a couple different varieties. I opted for the Mushroom Swiss.

Typically I never eat fast food unless I'm in a real hurry or I'm drunk so this meal was kind of like a treat.

I got back to the office to eat and after one bite I put this sandwich down in disbelief. It was probably the best food I've ever had from any fast food establishment. This shit was so good they could sell it at Fridays or something for $8. The burger was huge and there was this awesome bbq sauce and the mushrooms actually tasted like mushrooms. Still hesitant to try one? Maybe I should mention it has bacon and onion straws on it too.

I should not be this easily impressed by a fast food burger. I am very disappointed in myself.

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