Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pieces of Shit

So I came across this ad this morning on craigslist and it pissed me off to no end:

I bought this puppy for my girls one week ago with tears in there eyes begging me to buy this puppy, after seeing how much work is involved, they want to bail out of there obligations. I would love to keep her but I personally do not have the time at this moment and thought that getting her would be a sound investment so that I would not have to harass any young boys trying to get my girls attention and involve them into the wrong activities. I would like for the puppy to go to a kind home. She is very playful and happy, I would only like this in return for her. I paid 375.00 for her. I will take 350.00. If you are interested please contact immediately. Thanks.

Wow bitch, what a great life lesson you're teaching your little girls (who will surely grow up to be bitches themselves). Take on a responsibility without thinking it through and then just dump it on someone else's lap with no consequences. Oh sorry, you're taking a $25 hit, what a fucking saint.

I almost want to reply to this ad then show up with a girl that can punch this bitch in the face ('cause I can't).

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