Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Recession Cure = Dollar Menu

Apparently there's one company that's not hurting from the economy; the good old golden arches. http://www.comcast.net/articles/finance/20081022/BUSINESS-US-MCDONALDS/

I've been down this road before after suffering a few personal 'recessions'. How often can you get a hot meal for under $5? Problem is it's not really that healthy (little bit of an understatement).

No f'n wonder the nation is so damn fat! Have you ever comparison shopped skinless chicken breast vs. Ramen noodles? Lean ground sirloin beef vs. Ground Chuck? $0.49 pot pies vs. making it yourself? You've got to be fairly sharp and committed to eat well on a budget.

I know people that eat this shit everyday. You know why? Yep, cheap and easy.

As I mostly love capitalism this is not a knock on McDonalds or any other purveyor of shitty fast foods. They don't hide who they are. You are not forced to eat a Big Mac.

What pisses me off though is the parent that counts on this food as the staple of their child's nutrition. The ultimate in laziness. Soccer Moms are mostly guilty of this and I have known parents (actually wealthy) that will cram this crap down their kid's gullets on a daily basis.

I was a lucky child. My Mom was not lazy and we viewed our rare fast food excursions as a treat, never a meal. Luckily this is something that has stuck with me as I've gotten older.

Thanks Mom.

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